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One thing I ask from the Lord,
   this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
   all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the Lord
   and to seek him in his temple.

About Me

P s a l m  2 7 : 4

P s a l m  2 7 : 4

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capturing the heart of God,  to be enthralled with His presence

the dream






  1. a feeling of admiration that you have when you see or experience something beautiful, unusual, or unexpected

My one desire is to know the heart of God; to fall deeper in love with who He is, to care about the things He cares about, to know His thoughts. I cannot help but be consumed with fascination and wonder as I look into His eyes. His name is Most Beautiful.

The One with infinite and eternal depth; I have only scraped the very surface of His heart and I'm left speechless and captivated. There are no adequate words to describe Him; incomparable. I want go deeper. 




He cannot fully be known, as He is so unfathomable, but Jesus is worthy to be sought out like treasure. I want to tear down the walls and boxes that I have put Him in. This leaves me sitting at His feet, as His child, awestruck with wonder. Would our dwelling place be in His presence, seeking the heart of our very Creator. 

there is an invitation


to be with the King

in His courts

to see more of His immeasurable beauty

to discover the treasures of His heart

to be more deeply in love


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